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Hearth and Fireplace Poems

The allure of the FLAME is universal.  Here are some of the poems, verse and quotes that we have come across over the years that relate to the hearth, stoves and fireplaces in the home.  Don't miss the humorous quotes at the bottom of the page.

If you have more fireplace Quotes please let us know by sending us an email message from the contact page.

Home: “Home is where the hearth is” - Author Unknown

The Hearth am I...the deep heart
of the dwelling.
A pleasant nook for ease
and storytelling,
Where friendship’s flame shall find
a glad renewal
While mirth and kindly chat supply
the fuel.

“To have a cricket on the hearth, is the luckiest thing in all the world” - Charles Dickens

In happy homes he saw the light
Of household fires gleam warm and bright. - H.W. Longfellow

"For me it is sufficient to have a corner by my hearth, a book and a friend, and a nap undisturbed by creditors or grief." - Fernandez de Andrada

“Look to the hearthstone; therein all hope of America lies. - Calvin Coolidge

“Of all the ruinous and desolate places my uncle had ever beheld, this was the most so. It looked as if it had once been a large house of entertainment; but the roof had fallen in, in many places, and the stairs were steep, rugged, and broken. There was a huge fire-place in the room into which they walked, and the chimney was blackened with smoke; but no warm blaze lighted it up now. The white feathery dust of burnt wood was still strewed over the hearth, but the stove was cold, and all was dark and gloomy.” - Charles Dickens

“A cat improves the garden wall in sunshine, and the hearth in foul weather.” - Judith Merkle Riley

The smoke ascends to heaven as lightly
From a cottage hearth as from the haughty
Palace. He whose soul ponders this true
Equality may wall the fields of earth
With gratitude and hope.—WordsworthThe best cornerstone of a country is the hearthstone. - Author Unknown

Oh, happy hearthstone! Oh, hour
thrice blest
Where peace is the handmaid, and
love is the guest. - Rose Eliot Smith

“He who wants to warm himself in old age must build a fireplace in his youth” German Proverb

“There is no place more delightful than one's own fireplace.”
Marcus Tullius CiceroFunny:


I just bought a microwave fireplace. You can spend an evening in front of it in only eight minutes.

Steven Wright (1955 - ), Standup Comedy Routine

"When I retire I'm going to spend my evenings by the fireplace going through those boxes. There are things in there that ought to be burned."
-Richard Milhous Nixon

I don't wanna end up, after the boys have gone, a little off my head playing racquetball against the fireplace.
-Richard Dawson

Go to bed in your fireplace, you'll sleep like a log.

She lit the fireplace
Her eyes suppressed the fire
Crowded thoughts in inner space
Abandoned plan and no desire...

The winds of life were backing
and we had to come about...

Ablaze by the fireplace...
Ablaze by the fireplace...
Isn't that what life is all about?

Portraits in amber light --
caused by glowing embers
A gentle and revealing night --
in a way each heart remembers...

The winds of life were backing
and we had to come about...

Ablaze by the fireplace...
Ablaze by the fireplace...
Isn't that what life is all about?

He lit the fireplace...
...portraits in an amber light...
...a gentle and revealing night...
stirring the soul --
in a way each heart

Ablaze by the fireplace...
Ablaze by the fireplace...
Isn't that what love is all about?

"Wood warms you thrice: once when you cut it, once when you stack it, and once when you burn it." - Unknown 

Another Version:

"When you heat with wood, you are warmed thrice
- once when you chop and split it,
- once when you haul it,
- and once when you burn it to heat your house"

When the trees start to turn colors, it is time... get the firewood into the cellar.

Wood Lore

Hickory makes the hottest coals in stoves when winter's bleak,
Apple wood like incense burning through the hall both fragrance seek,
Elm wood fires have little smoke and warm both serf and lord,
Oak logs split and dried this year make good next winters hoard,
Beech burns bright and fills a the room with warmth and dancing light,
Maple sweet, not white or red will burn throughout the night,
Birch logs cut, need ne'er be stored - they blaze, then heat the pot,
Ash, straight grain and easy split - the kettle sings, and stove is hot,
Poplar logs must need be dried lest smoke both then ensue,
Pine and fir midst showers of sparks burn fast and line the blackened flue

Anonymous, Old English Song

Ode to a fire

A fire on the hearth represents
a piece of the sun which was stored
in heart of the earth's ecosystem.

As a fire burns,
we should delight in
the life it brings to our homes
as we should delight in the life
once generated by the trees in the forest
as they collected the sun's energy
and provided us with
the air we breathe.

Let us ensure that as long as the sun
shines down on us, fires will continue to
warm the body and soul of humanity.

Ted Kesik 1991

The Firewood Song

(sung to the tune of "I's the b'y that builds the boats")

I'm the guy that cuts the logs,
And I'm the guy that splits 'em
I stack the wood in nice straight rows,
And wait six months to burn 'em.

The sun, she warms my firewood pile,
And drives out all the water,
The wind blows through there all the while,
And carries away the moisture.

Bless the sun and bless the wind,
They make my wood much drier,
If they didn't have time to do their job,
The pile would be far higher.

My chimney don't fill up with soot,
My pipes don't drip black water,
I'm better off to burn dry wood,
Keeps me warm all through the winter.

I'm the guy that cuts the logs,
And I'm the guy that splits 'em,
It costs me nothing to get 'em dry,
The sun and winds assistin'.

(Armstrong/Gulland 1983)